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Connect Track & Breezeway
Kelsey Liversidge avatar
Written by Kelsey Liversidge
Updated over a year ago

NOTE: If you are switching PMS Partners it is important to notify Breezeway Support. Adding the integration will cause duplication of properties if you already have an integration enabled. If this is the case, please notify your Account Manager, or Contact Support so we can set up a PMS migration for you.

Connecting your Track account

Use the steps below to connect your Track account to Breezeway.

Step 1: Generate Keys in Track

In Track, go to Configuration (Gear icon top right) > Company Setup (far right tab in top navigation) > API Keys.

In the top right hand corner, select the button "+ Server Key".

In the popup it will say, "Do you want to generate a new server key? This key will allow access to all API endpoints and should only be used for internal integrations."

Click 'Generate Key'. Give the Key a name (i.e. Breezeway). Make sure the 'Type' = Server. We must be provided with Server Keys to connect - Channel keys will fail.

Click Save Key.

Step 2: Copy & Paste the Keys + Track Domain into Breezeway

Copy & paste the Server Key & Server Secret into the respective fields in Breezeway.

Additionally, you will need to add your Track domain. Do not include the full URL, just the sub-domain (this is often company name, but may not always be).

For example:

Only include 'breezeway' in the field provided.

Click 'Connect' once completed.

If the domain is incorrect, you will receive the following error message:

If you have provided the wrong Key & Secret, or you are attempting to use Channel Keys, you will receive the error message:

“There was an issue connecting your account. Please check your credentials and try again.”

After you have successfully connected your Track account, your properties and reservations will begin loading shortly!

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